Friday, March 6, 2020

Being Selfish 4 Tips to Better Your Mental Health by Taking Care of Your Body

Being Selfish 4 Tips to Better Your Mental Health by Taking Care of Your Body Image via Pixabay 2.  Build a workout schedule: A schedule for your week will make your life so much easier and will take a huge burden off of your shoulders. As a college student, I understand that time management, as well as organization, are not things we excel at sometimes. Get yourself a planner or a dry-erase board (these can both be found at your local dollar store or Walmart) and organize your time into different slots such as your class/work schedule, study time, workout time, and relaxation time. This helps you stick to commitments and have set times for you to get your tasks done! Image via Pixabay 3. Meal prep: As I said, dinners as a college student can be super tiring and difficult. I can promise you, though, meal prepping can and will be your life saver if you allow it! Sacrifice the hour you spend mindlessly scrolling on Facebook or Twitter, watching Youtube videos, etc. and prep your meals for the week by cooking in bulk and storing them in Tupperware! Include a healthy starch like brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, etc. and then add a protein of your choice (any meat or plant based protein) and then any of your favorite veggies! There are countless combinations that you can put together and it will totally help when you’re feeling lazy about making dinner! Image via Pixabay 4. Find a workout buddy: Probably the simplest of them all, but easily the most effective, is finding a workout partner or buddy to support you through your workouts! Buddies can motivate you when you’re feeling lazy about getting yourself to the gym and can also make you feel less alone in your journey to better yourself. These tips are so simple that even the girl who didn’t work out for 20 years of her life can do them! Do yourself a favor, be a little selfish, and invest the care into yourself that you would into anything else you take seriously. You wouldn’t neglect to water a plant and expect it to grow, would you?

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